More than a year ago, a mistrial in the homicide case against Derrick A. Feidler left both the Erie County District Attorney's Office and the defense disappointed. The prosecution was hoping for a conviction and the defense for an acquittal.
Feidler was convicted on Wednesday at his retr
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ARLINGTON, Va. — Maxwell and Danté Julius stealthily slip through a dirt path that cuts a serpentine route through Arlington County's Long Branch Park and Nature Center. They're equipped with binoculars, cameras and a permeating curiosit
The buck stepped into the field like he owned it. His tall, eight-point rack glistened in the early-morning sunlight. His neck was thick with the rut, and steam bellowed from his nostrils with every breath. He was a true trophy.
The hunter leveled his deer gun and put his cross-hairs on
The buck stepped into the field like he owned it. His tall, eight-point rack glistened in the early-morning sunlight. His neck was thick with the rut, and steam bellowed from his nostrils with every breath. He was a true trophy.
The hunter leveled his deer gun and put his cross-hairs on
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There have been increased developments in solar energy technology in recent years. More viable
When driving through challenging weather conditions, there’s a lot to consider.
And whatever the season, there will be times when drivers are faced with light blearing through their window – be it on a hot summers’ day, or when the winter sun bo
Spend enough time in the firearms blogosphere and you’ll surely be subjected to heated debates about the costs and benefits of “MOA” versus “MRad” rifle scopes. If you’ve wished the authors of those articles would take two steps back and relax a minute
Hawke Optics, has added six new models of Neoprene Scope Covers to their accessory selections. To prevent unwanted cosmetic blemishes on your scope and lens, and to keep your optic in near pristine condition, these water and weatherproof covers come in six lengths to fit almost all Hawke scope
Hawke Optics, has added six new models of Neoprene Scope Covers to their accessory selections. To prevent unwanted cosmetic blemishes on your scope and lens, and to keep your optic in near pristine condition, these water and weatherproof covers come in six lengths to fit almost all Hawke scope
Sarah Gunnells, a Tupelo native and part of the 10-member Delta Company medevac team stationed at the Army Aviation Support Facility on West Jackson Street, poses for a photograph in front of a Lakota helicopter.